Giving Advice is any kind of
suggestion regarding a possible course of action for another person.
There are
lots of different ways to give advice in English.
We are going
to look at three:
1. Imperatives
An imperative is a command or
an order. To form an imperative, you use the bare infinitive form of the verb
without a subject – it should be clear to the person you are speaking to that
the imperative is about them.
For example:
- Wear warm
clothes when you visit the UK.
- Don’t be
afraid to talk to people.
2. Using modal verbs
There are three useful words/phrases we use to
give advice. These are called
you think something is a good idea, you can use the word: should
you think something is a bad idea, you can use the word: shouldn’t
- You should eat fruit
and vegetables every day to stay healthy.
- You shouldn’t eat too
much spicy food.
3. Why don’t you.
way to give advice is to use the question form ‘why don’t you…?’ This is a nice
way of making a suggestion – if you are not sure about the advice, you can use
this form.
- Why don’t you take an
English course before you go to the UK?
- Why don’t
you give her a chocholate?
are several different structures that you can use when giving advice
# Should
This is probably the
most common of the structures for giving advice. After should, and its negative - shouldn't
- we use the base form of the
infinitive of the verb:
You should wise up
We shouldn’t cheat
It is common to use 'I think' and 'I don’t think' with should:
I think you should put the answers back
She doesn't think they should use them
You should wise up
We shouldn’t cheat
It is common to use 'I think' and 'I don’t think' with should:
I think you should put the answers back
She doesn't think they should use them
# Had better
structure is common in spoken English and it is usually used in the
contracted form. After had better, and its negative - had better not, we
use the base form of the infinitive of the
-You'd better return the answers to the lecturer
-You'd better not tell anyone that you found them
# Ought
is the most formal of the structures used for giving advice, and so it isn't so
After ought, and its negative - ought not (oughtn't), we use the full infinitive of the verb:
You ought to contact the police
You ought not to cheat in exams
After ought, and its negative - ought not (oughtn't), we use the full infinitive of the verb:
You ought to contact the police
You ought not to cheat in exams
# If I were you
version of the second conditional is often used when giving advice, especially
in spoken English. Note the use of were
with I in the first clause.
In the second clause, we use would - contracted to d - and wouldn’t.
In the second clause, we use would - contracted to d - and wouldn’t.
After would and wouldn’t, we use the base form of the infinitive of the verb:
If I were you, I’d give them back to the lecturer
If I were you, I wouldn’t use the answers
dialogue :
Dedi :Hi Clàudea, You look worried. What's the matter?Clàudea : Er.. it's nothing.
Dedi :Is it the exam tomorrow? You shouldn't worry. You'll pass easily.
Clàudia : I know.
Dedi :Come on, tell me. What are you worried about?
Clàudia : OK... it's Mark. I think he has started smoking. I was talking to him yesterday about this topic and he says me that isn't smoking.
Dedi : That's serious. What are you going to do?
Clàudia : I'm not sure. I should tell someone. What do you think I should do?
Dedi : If I were you, I'd speak to his older sister. She's really friendly.
Clàudia : I've never met her. Can you com with me?
Dedi : Yes, of course. Let's go and find her
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